Church Hong Kong Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam

A Daughter
Church of
St. John's

Hong Kong

Site Map
Hong Kong Anglican church, English speaking Anglican church Pokfulam
Emmanuel Church Pokfulam Hong Kong - Sermons
Sermon: For all of you are one
Sermon: A Love Feast for the Second Sunday of Lent
Sermon: Temptation - The First Sunday of Lent
Semon: Eat up your cabbage, it’s good for you
Sermon: O I do like to be beside the seaside
Sermon: Candlemas. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
Sermon: Unity Sunday 2010
Sermon: Epiphany 2
Sermon: The Baptism Of Christ
2009 Sermons - Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Sermon: Joyful Sunday 2009
Sermon: Hope
Sermon: All Saints Sunday 2009
Sermon: Bible Sunday 2009
Sermon: Space Tourist
Sermin: Inheriting Eternal Life
Sermon: Harvest Thanksgiving Address – 2009
Sermon: Belonging
Sermon: Frances' encounter with the Hungry wolf of Gubbio
Sermon: Gossip & Rumours
Sermon: Family Service - Eating The Crumbs
Sermin: Eating the crumbs
Sermon: What goes in does not defile
Sermon: Jesus fed 5000
Sermon: Stillness. Quiet and Silence
Sermon: Taize Meditation Service
Sermon: Asia Sunday 2009
Sermon: Trinity Sunday 2009
Sermon: Pentecost Sunday 2009
Sermons: St John’s Gospel: Names
Sermon: Ascension Day 2009
Sermon: Friendship
Sermon: I am the vine, you are the branches
Sermom: The Shepherd who becomes one of the sheep
Sermon: Breaking down barriers
Sermon: Easter Day 2009
Sermon: Good Friday 2009
sermon: Palm Sunday 2009
sermon: Passion Sunday 2009
Sermon: Mothering Sunday 2009
Sermon: Stop making my Father’s house a market place
Sermon: Jesus rebuked Peter and said, Get behind me, Satan!
Sermon: Lent is ((6x7)+4)-6=40
Sermon: The Lent spiritual health check
Sermon: Experiencing newness
Sermon: Let light shine out of darkness
Sermon: St John's Prologue
Sermon: Miracles
Sermon: The conversion of Saint Paul
Sermon: Philip found Nathanael
Sermon: Baptism of our Lord
Sermon: Journeys
2008 Sermons - Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Sermon: The Shepherd’s message
Sermon: Christmas Eve 2008
Sermon: Everlasting Love
Sermon: Advent Sunday 2008
Sermon: John the Baptist
Sermon: Learning from Eastern Traditions
Sermon: Remembrance Sunday 2008
Sermon: Lust
Sermon: A Year Literally - Bible Sunday
Sermon: Provision, Abundance, Celebration
Sermon: St. Francis
Sermon: Financial Crisis 2008
Sermon: Holy Cross
Sermon: Batman Good and Evil
sermon: Unwrapping Faith
Sermon: Asia Sunday 2008
Sermon: Ascension 2008
Sermon: Easter 2008
Sermon: Living in the present
2007 Sermons - Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Sermon: Advent 2007
Sermon: Remembrance Sunday 2007
Sermon: Emmanuel Vision
Sermon: Gratitude
Sermon: Mother Teresa and doubt
Sermon: Spiritual Adverts
Sermon: Meditation
Sermon: Sexuality
Sermon: Simon, Jesus and the woman
Sermon: Faith without magic
Sermon: Scapegoats
Sermon: Lent religious vanity
Sermon: Life and death
Sermon: Béthanie - Alain Le Pichon
Sermon: Unity Sunday 2007
Sermon: Epiphany
2006 Sermons - Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Sermon: Christmas - 2006
Sermon: Advent 2, 2006
Sermon: Advent 2006
Sermon: Disability and the Image of God
Sermon: Bible Sunday 2006
Sermon: Pre Béthanie move
Sermon: Divorce Compassion
Sermon: Stewardship
Sermon: Rudeness
Sermon: Communion Poem
Sermon: Rest
Sermon: Life together as a church
Sermon: Weddings
Sermon: Body of Christ
Sermon: Easter Sunday
Sermon: Palm Sunday 2006
Sermon: Passion Sunday 2006
Sermon: Muhammad (pbuh) Cartoons
Sermon: Evangelism
Sermon: Joseph
Sermon: Christmas gifts
2005 Sermons - Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Sermon: Christmas 2005
Sermon: Advent Sunday 2005
Sermon: Christ the King
Sermon: Remembrance Sunday 2005
Sermon: All Saints -2005
Sermon: Bible Sunday
Sermon: Stewardship 2005
Sermon: Stewardship Generosity
Sermon: Self Sacrifice
Sermon: Food that defies
Sermon: Stepping onto the water
Sermon: Hidden treasure
Sermon: Called by name
Sermon: Prayer Sunday
Sermon: Trinity Sunday 2005
Sermon: An Ordinary Jesus
Sermon: Easter noli me tangere
Sermon: Lent Addiction 2005
Sermon: Lent - 2005
Sermon: Epiphany 2 - 2005
Sermon: Epiphany 2005
2004 Sermons - Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Sermon: In the beginning was the Word
Sermon: Santa Claus is real after all!
Sermon: What are you waiting for?
Sermon: Christ the King
Sermon: All Saints 2004
Sermon: Bible Sunday 2004
Sermon: Inviting people to church
Sermon: Complicated wealth
Sermon: Sheep and coins included
Emmanuel Church Photo Gallery
Emmanuel Church Bethanie First Anniversary
First Anniversary Move to Bethanie
Installation of Revd. Canon Matthew Vernon
Canon Pastor Vernon Insallation
Palm Sunday 2009 Joint service Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam & St. Timothy’s - Wah Fu.
Palm Sunday 2009 Joint service Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam & St. Timothy’s - Wah Fu.
Cantata Choir — Ebenezer School for the Blind in Hong Kong
Cantata Choir — Ebenezer School for the Blind in Hong Kong
The liturgical seasonal altar and vestment colours
Emmanuel Church Pokfulam Annual Report 2009
Emmanuel Church Annual Report 2009
Emmanuel Church Annual Report 2008
Emmanuel Church Annual Report 2007
Emmanuel Church Annual Report 2006
Emmanuel Church Annual Report 2005
Emmanuel Church Annual Report 2004
Emmanuel Church Pokfulam - Site Map
Church Hong Kong Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam
[Home] [Sermons] [Photo Gallery] [Altar Colours] [Reflections] [Annual Report] [Site Map]


Emmanuel Church - Pokfulam is an English speaking traditional Anglican church
serving the west of Hong Kong island and is a daughter Church of St. John's Cathedral, Hong Kong.
Emmanuel Church - Pok Fu Lam is part of:
The Hong Kong Anglican (Episcopal) Church
(The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui)
Diocese of Hong Kong Island.