Emmanuel Quiz Night

Emmanuel Church Annual Quiz Night and Curry Supper - 2012

Our thanks to Karen Carmichael who organised the Emmanuel Quiz Night with Curry Buffet Supper held at West Island School on Friday 2nd March 2012.

We would also like to thank:

  • Lucy Moore, Megan Rodricks, Harrison Holloway and May Large for marking the answers.
  • Iain Carmichael and Rebecca Abraham for the manning the bar.
  • Colleen Nichol for the door / greeting.
  • West Island School for letting us use the venue.

And a big thank you to all those that attended and for making the quiz night go so well.  A team from the British Consulate won the Supreme Champions Mugs.

The Quiz night this year raised HKD39,000 for our chosen charity: The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge.

For those who like statistics, we got through 3 barrels of beer and 57 bottles of wine!

Our chosen charity The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge aims to:

  • provide emergency relief and places of refuge for the up to twenty needy and distressed Asian migrants;
  • make available guidance and counseling, including para legal advice to residents and drop-in clients
  • provide a social center where present and past residents can interact and mutually support one another;
  • encourage the residents to get involved in handicraft making during their free time. This serves as a therapy for the residents to get their minds off their problems;
  • provide a continuing education for residents enabling them to better cope with problems that confront migrant workers.